RSVP >>> HERE<<<<
It's been a minute since we've done a singles mixer, and this will be one for the books!
It's often so hard to make romantic connections, especially here in the NYC, yet there are so many amazing men and women that cross our paths daily!
This mixer's twist is that both singles and couples will be in attendance, ( not a swingers
This will be a night of mixing and mingling rooted in balance, The intention is for singles to connect in a fun filled low pressure atmosphere with the added benefit of having coupes in the mix. Singles mixers tend to be so high pressure and filled with idealistic conversations of what we and what we think works.
The intention here is to create space for real connections, and open reasonings between the singles and the couples, who can ground the conversations with what actually works, based on their experience being in thriving romantic partnerships.
All set to the backdrop of great music, movie screenings, icebreakers, games, refreshments, good vibes within the cool cozy ambiance of Make Manifest BK. A Friday night not to be missed!
RSVP >>> HERE<<<<